Here it is, part 2 of my interview with Anne, a veteran flight attendant.
After Jet Blue flight attendant Steven Slater made a so-called 'heroic' exit from a particularly stressful flight, I sought out an interview with Anne... to see if life in the skies are really as glamourous as a 1970s movies would have us believe.
In part 1, Anne discussed the realities of turbulence, pants-less passengers and the rudeness of her fellow Man. In this installment, we discuss some lighter fare...
Ricochay (R): What do you like the most about being a flight attendant.
A: I love my job for many reasons. The schedules can be wonderful. I can usually pick and choose the days that I want to have off, and I can usually get many days off in a row. This makes it convenient to visit many different parts of the world! Also, since most international flights will come with a layover of some length, I usually get a small amount of time to visit and enjoy the perks of that city or even country!
We also get to meet many many different people, with different points of views and interests... whether they be the other flight attendants or the passengers. It's different from being in an office all day. I don't generally work with the same people twice, so you're always working with someone new and different.
R: All right, so what do you like the least?
A: The least... well sometimes the hours aren't the best - I mean I can start at 4am or work through the night without an inkling of sleep! As I've mentioned, passengers aren't always the friendliest people. It's often hard to be locked in an aluminum tube with a bunch of strangers, but even harder when they are overly demanding, don't know how to act appropriately, don't listen or simply seem clueless!
It's funny how people seem to think that being on an airplane is different then real life. For example, people drop stuff on the ground, make a mess and don't clean up after themselves! I think it's a very simple thing to do to clean up after yourself. I'm sure these people don't drop things on the ground at home, without even thinking twice about picking it up.
R: So Anne, is there really a Mile High Club?
A: I'm sure there is a Mile High Club... but to be honest I've never been a witness to it. Though, I don't really know why someone would EVER want to try to join the club — the bathrooms are so small, one would have to contort in such a random way... although for some people that might be the whole fun of it!
Plus, those lavatories are not the cleanest things... you have to think of it this way, aiming is not ALWAYS easy when you are on a moving platform! Guys have a hard enough time hitting the target when the ground isn't moving on them!
R: What location do you fly to where the customers get the rowdiest?A: I find that many people who fly south get a little crazy cause they are all going on vacation. They start their drinking early, and on their way back, they generally act like they are still on vacation. But I don't blame them, some people only get one vacation a year and really know how to enjoy themselves! Vegas can also be a rowdy destination... but I think that goes without saying. And remember, what happens on the flight to Vegas does not stay in Vegas! You will get arrested.
R: Do you prefer to work red eye or normal flights?
A: Red eye flights are generally quite simple since everyone sleeps, and you have to find things to entertain yourself and keep yourself awake — that's the hard part! Normal flights are a little busier, people are awake but you don't have to deal with the sleep deprivation. And honestly, I like to be busy and don't like fighting sleep so a "normal" flight has more appeal to me!
R: What actually happens if someone uses their cell phone on a flight?
A: Honestly, you probably wouldn't be able to use your phone in the air... your phone would be roaming the entire time, looking for a signal... but that's what is interfering with the aircraft frequencies. I'm not exactly sure what that means — but I am aware that the pilots use radio frequencies to communicate with people on the ground, so it would probably interfere with that.
R: What's the worst thing you've seen someone do to cover up smoking on a flight?
A: Yes, there are ashtrays on the plane... but that does NOT make it okay for someone to smoke onboard! I once had a passenger ask me "does it mean that it's okay to smoke cause there's ashtrays" We informed this passenger the actual use for the ashtrays: that if we were to find a cigarette butt on board, they would be a disposal for this butt. She took this as an okay to go into the lavatory and smoke. Not a good idea.
R: Got any interesting stories about life in the skies to share?
A: This is story I heard from another Flight Attendant. She was in the back galley after the service, and an adult passenger comes into the galley looking for the bathroom. She informs her that, unfortunately, both of the bathrooms are occupied. After arguing back and forth with the passenger that there was nothing she could do to help her, the passenger says, "Well then I'm really sorry but I have to go now!" The Flight Attendant looks down and there's a puddle on the floor between the passenger's legs.
R: So, how many celebrities have you met at work? Care to name drop?
A: I've met a few. Nobody huge, but I like it that way. I like the actors who are impressed that you know who they are. Probably the biggest I had was Drew Barrymore... she was a lovely lady. Very sweet, polite and kind. I was never a huge fan, but I really liked her when I met her! Other then that I've had a few Canadian athletes, hockey players, singers like Sarah McGlaughlin and Blondie. I've also had politicians and their relations.
And the actors? Kiefer Sutherland, Tom Arnold, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Catherine Keener, Holly Hunter... Every time I operate a flight to LA, I hope that maybe I'll meet one of the stars I admire... although sometimes they are on flights you would never expect… for example Blondie was on a Vancouver-Edmonton flight and Holly Hunter was on the way to Whitehorse, so you never know... you have to keep your eyes peeled!
R: How often do you get hit on at work?
A: Personally, not too often. Although, I've worked with other Flight Attendants who are passenger magnets, they don't do anything different or special, but end up with a business card in the end. It definitely happens. I went on one date with a passenger, didn't amount to anything... but it was an interesting way to meet someone. I have colleagues who have met their significant other onboard... so it's quite a possibility.
All right friends, there you have it. Being a flight attendant comes with great perks, like cheap flights to exotic destinations around the world and the chance to hobnob with some of Hollywood's elite. But as Steve Slater well knows, it certainly isn't the most gracious customer service job out there.
The next time you're in the air, remember that Anne and her colleagues are just doing their jobs to the best of their abilities and let civility reign!
I may not know what I want my Pea to become, but I hope she never curses out a plane full of passengers, grabs a couple of beers and pulls an emergency slide to escape a stressful job.