
Blocks, and not the kind with letters on them...

I hope Pea never gets bogged down by "The Block."

By now, most of my faithful readers will know that I've taken a second home at urbanmoms.ca.  My blog, Father Knows Best?, has been a lot of fun to write and my musings have been read and commented on by an entirely new audience, which gives me heart. 

At Father Knows Best?, I've had a fairly easy time coming up with topics to write about... being the only Dad and male blogging on a website targeted to current, soon-to-be and veteran Moms kind of gives me a unique perspective and allows me to frame my experiences in a new light.

Sure, the malcontent in me admits that they haven't all been gems, but I've had some fun ideas and I've tackled topics I never before dreamed possible. 

Like sex.  Yeah, that's right.  Sex.

While things with Father Knows Best? are going well, I've clearly been having a much harder time with what.will.you.be,Pea

For some reason, I can easily speak to my experiences as a Dad but coming up with thoughts from the perspective of a regular guy have been much harder to come by lately.  I'll likely regret letting this out of the bag, but here are a few golden nuggets I've considered writing about lately:
  • The Blue Jays trading Roy Halladay
  • Traffic
  • Putting up the Christmas lights in the frigid cold
  • Weather in general
  • The fact that most of my Christmas shopping is already done
You still there?

I've been writing for a long time.  As a guy who communicates for a living, I've come to understand that writer's block, while painful to go through, is a passing problem.  When I can't find the words I need at work, a night's sleep usually does the trick... and if that doesn't help, the pressure of getting fired usually jogs the mind just enough to create passable work.

So I'm not worried.  This too, shall pass.  But I didn't want any of you, who've supported me since March, to think I'd gone for good.   

Until I get back into a rhythm here at what.will.you.be,Pea, be sure to check out Father Knows Best? and also check out some other great blogs writen by friends near and far.  coffee with julie and sarahcasm are two of my favourites, and the gals in charge always have interesting things to say.

I may not know what I want my Pea to become, but I hope she never gets bogged down by "The Block."


  1. Ah, writer's block ... Did you see my lame post yesterday?? I'm blocked baby! But you are soooo kind to mention me on your blog!

  2. It must be going around 'cause I haven't written a 'real' post for almost a month. I've started them, then saved them as drafts, then considered deleting them...

    I guess I am just not inspired.

  3. I am reading yours as I am looking for inspiration, only to find that you are all BLOCKED up as well! Damn you! Hahaha!

  4. Wow... I'll take a LOT of comfort in knowing I am not alone at the moment! Thanks ladies!
