
A choice of global proportions

I hope Pea never has to deal with the harsh realities of parenting in the midst of a global pandemic.

So this H1N1 thing is supposed to get worse before it gets better. It's new, relatively unknown and many parents (myself included) aren't sure what to do to prepare their families for the second coming of this sickness.

The big question is: to vaccinate, or not to vaccinate.  As an added bonus, I have to consider vaccinations for two separate people - myself, and my little Pea.  (Three, really, when I factor in the Pod who, according to recent media reports, is more likely to become infected than any other population segment.)

When the first wave of H1N1 hit the world this year, I was blasé.  I thought, 'far more people will get sick and die from the seasonal flu... what's the big deal?'

I recall hearing a radio report about the first swine flu in 1976, and how many people who got a vaccination to prevent infection ended up getting sick and dying from the untested vaccine and not from the illness itself.

That freaked me out.  I had made up my mind.  No vaccinations for us.  I figured, 'Why chance getting sick from the medicine, if I probably won't get the sickness in the first place?'

But it's becoming increasingly clear that this ain't the regular flu, and I'm responsible for more than myself now.  I should be more judicious in my decision making.

The reality is that times, and technologies, have changed.  I'm sure the development of vaccinations has come a long way since 1976. And as Canada ramps up production of its vaccination stores, it seems to me that great care is being taken to develop a vaccine that is tested and safe.

My point is this, people: I'm waivering.  

So I'm turning to you, for advice and counsel.  What are you doing? Are you getting the vaccine?  Are you vaccinating your children?

I need help here.  In the words of Snoop Dogg, holla at'cho boy.

I may not know what I want my Pea to become, but I hope she never has to deal with the harsh realities of parenting in the midst of a global pandemic.

PS - I am aware that Commenting on my blog is a painful experience, and I am looking at switching to another service.  If you do want to leave a comment, just select the Anonymous option from the drop down menu. 


  1. Great Post Shawn! Great question... I'm not even sure if I should get it myself... I'll see the results and ponder.

  2. Hey! We're in the same boat. Q got his 18 month shots last week and I asked his doctor about vaccinations for H1N1 and seasonal flu. She said that she is not recommending anything at this time because they are getting mixed messages. (Q can't get any more shots for a month).

    I expressed concern about the H1N1 because it was a first-run vaccine. She understood my apprehension and is torn, herself (she's a mom).

    Also, neither vaccine will be available til next month for kids Q's age, so I'm not going to worry about right now.

    She told me that if Q has a high fever, a cough, and/or trouble breathing to take him to emerg.

    Hope that helps. All told - I'm still on the fence, but leaning toward not getting the vaccine for either of us.

  3. My oldest has H1N1 at the moment and my husband and I are showing symptoms; however my daughter and our 19 month old son who both recently received a flu shot are not showing any signs of being sick. From my standpoint, I will be vaccinating the remainder of my family as soon as we are healthy!

  4. Well, I haven't even vaccinated for MMR, so the flu shot it not something I'm eager to do. It does give me pause though ... what to do, what to do ....

  5. Gah! I don't know what we are going to do. M and I have never been vaccinated but now with Max being so young, it is such a hard decision.

  6. As much as the thought of having a few weeks off work is appealing to me, potentially spending those weeks in a hospital does not sound fun. And since I'm in the dreaded 32-year old woman high risk group, I think I'm gonna get the H1N1 AND the regular flu vaccine this year just to be safe. There are better ways to get two weeks off.


  7. I appreciate the thoughts everyone... it's somehow comforting to know others are feeling the same apprehension as we are.

    Via my Dad, here's some info from the government of Canada's Public Health Agency... http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/alert-alerte/h1n1/faq_rg_h1n1-eng.php. Check out questions 7 and 8.

    We have an appointment with Pea's doctor tomorrow... will let you know what his recommendation is.
