
Those who can, do.

I hope Pea doesn't end up with her Dad's singing chops.

There are a lot of things in my life that I wish I could do better.  Sure, I have my fair share of skills.  Sarcasm.  Showering in a relatively short amount of time.  Eating.  But there is lots more I wish I could do better.

What kind of things, you might ask?  Math.  Impressions.  Tending to animals.  And most of all, singing.

While I may not be able to carry my own tune, I can certainly appreciate the skills of others.

Lately, I'm really into the Pete Yorn and Scarlett Johansson album The Breakup, which is far better than many people expect, especially after Johansson's ill-advised debut album of Tom Waits covers.  The first single from The Breakup, called Relator, is the most played track on my iPod and never fails to put a smile on my face.  I urge you to give it a listen (see below).

Closer to home, for me anyway, is the music of MJ Cyr.  

The Pod is good friends with MJ, and introduced me to her many years ago. Since then I have come to know and appreciate MJ for her kindness and her music.

We've been to several of MJ's shows (not recently anyway... since Pea was born we have a much harder time getting out), and she was even a guest at our wedding.  Long story short, I like MJ.

I hope you do too!  You can check out MJ at http://www.myspace.com/mjcyr, but to make things easier, here's the video for her song The Bottom Line.  Enjoy.

I may not know what I want my Pea to become, but I hope she doesn't end up with her Dad's singing chops. 


  1. Thanks for the video of MJ Cyr. I am now a fan. And I'm following your blog. My daughter, sarahcasm, mentioned you on Twitter. I'll visit often!

  2. Wow, MJ Cyr has an OUTSTANDING voice! :)

  3. Way to spread the word, she's the best!
