I had a good day today. I got a fairly good nights rest (considering Pea and I are still battling 'the sickness'), faced a negligible commute (yes, this contributes substantially to a good day) and had what would amount to an excellent day at work. A big presentation went down, all about what I do for the company, and some big shots were impressed enough to approve our request to widen our scope of work by a substantial amount. For me, this potentially means working from home more often or maybe, dare I say it, moving to an office much closer to home. I then sent out a fine communication that a colleague and I worked on and received several kudos. I was feeling fine.
But then, life realized I was feeling a little too good and immediately set out to rectify its error. On the way home, our second car crapped out on me for the Nteenth time in the past few months. The rear brake lights stopped working at some point on my drive back home without my knowledge due to a short circuit that will cost hundreds to uncover, let alone fix. This means, faithful reader, that I, your narrator, was in mortal danger all the way home. I know. Scary. Even worse, we are likely going to have to buy a new car and send Bullet, our 1996 Toyota Corolla, to the big junk pile in the sky. Who needed that extra $350-$500 a month, anyway?
Pretty bad huh? It gets worse. After dinner, the Pod and I were watching Oprah and the show was all about widowed men who have small children and the tough times they have had raising the kids. That was a downer. Then, Pea, the Pod and I went for a walk only to have it cut short by (T.M.I. alert) a drastic and urgent call to me from 'nature'... and 'nature' had the nerve to call collect. As luck would have it, 'nature' would call several more times this evening as something in my diet apparently pissed off Larry, the God of Lactose.
What else? The Pod was forced to bathe Pea on her own, which resulted in her getting doused in the finest urine Pea has to offer. I didn't get to watch Lost. And, the piece de resistance, it is STILL garbage day tomorrow even though I was sure I would get a reprieve because of Easter Monday. I hate garbage day.
At this point in my blog, I usually try to find some way to relate all my heartache and misery back to Pea and her continued efforts to grow into a fine little lady. Well, today I got nothing.
Ok, ok. I suppose, were I coerced into finding the moral of the day, I might say that in the end, no matter how bad a day might be, Pea can and should always look forward to tomorrow as a new beginning. Gastro-intestinal issues notwithstanding, the fact is I will go into work tomorrow and start looking into bigger things. The Pod and I can start looking for a new car that will definitely fit the entire Bugaboo in the trunk while still leaving enough room for groceries, which is very exciting. Pea probably won't pee on either the Pod or myself, I will probably watch Lost on the PVR, and garbage day will be an entire week away.
Like me, Pea will also have the choice to look upon life as half full or half empty. I hope she always chooses the bright side.
I may not know what I want my Pea to become, but I hope she doesn't get thrown off my life's ebbs and flows.

Oh Ricochay.....you make me laugh.....out loud!