
Screw you mocos.

I hope Pea doesn't inadvertently ingest too much of her own mocos (Spanish for boogers).

Pea is sick.  She is all the things that we adults are when we get sick.  She is stuffed up, coughy, wants her mommy all the time, has a runny nose, isn't eating very well and isn't sleeping too well either.  

Ok, that last one isn't actually an indicator that she is sick.  She doesn't sleep well period.  

Naturally, seeing her like this breaks my heart, especially since I am probably the one that gave her the bug... I woke up this morning with the same symptoms.  To make up for it, I will be providing Pea with a touch & feel book of her choosing upon our next trip to the bookstore.  I think this is fair, since I didn't do it on purpose.

The runny nose is especially hard on both the Pod and I, because Pea isn't yet dexterous enough to blow her own nose (like her mommy does), but she isn't knowledgeable enough to sniff in the snot either (like her daddy does). So, we're left a little girl that has had mocos run into her mouth several times today.

One of evolution's biggest faults is definitely the placement of the nose directly above the mouth.  A side placement would have been a much more sensitive spot, for little ones especially, and likely wouldn't cause parents so much grief.  

On behalf of all parents, I will be putting in a request for a change in nose placement on humans with the Ministry of Evolution, but I doubt they will get to it any time soon.  Let's face it, it'll likely be millions of years before we can cut through the red tape and get this request looked at.

In the meantime, the Pod and I are on mocos duty.  Lotion-reinforced tissues have been placed in waist-mounted holsters and we're ready to pounce on any drip, drop or dribble that even thinks it will make it to Pea's mouth.  This is war, Mocos.  Bring it on.

I may not know what I want my Pea to become, but I hope she doesn't inadvertently ingest too much of her own mocos.

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