
The Abbott and Costello of Father-Daughter Duos

I hope Pea never stops having fun.

What makes me laugh, you ask?

Oh, I don’t know, a good stand-up comedian with witty observations on relatable topics. Or improvised acting that shows someone’s deft ability for quick thinking and teamwork. Or a well-placed comeback by one of the guys. Or too much booze (which usually makes that well-placed comeback even funnier!).

What makes Pea laugh, you ask?

Me, apparently! Simple things too. Like when I peek around a corner to see where she is, and she catches me in the act. Or when she is holding my hand and trying to get me to walk in a certain direction, and I want to go in the other direction. Or when I lift up her arm so I can check to see if “her armpits are working” by tickling them.

Tonight, though, Pea revealed something new that makes her laugh - herself! While taking her bath, Pea was holding a sopping wet rag when she decided to whip it around in the air, causing all the water to fly in her face and mine. The result was a laughing fit that was easily the longest and most sincere I've ever seen her pull off. Her face turned red and she repeated the whipping at least a dozen times, laughing just as hard every time.

In the end, we were both laughing maniacally when the Pod came in to check on us and make sure we were OK. It was awesome.

I can't wait to share more laughs with her as she learns what she finds funny. And I guess this means I can add one more thing to my list of things that make me laugh: Pea.

I may not know what I want my Pea to become, but I hope she never stops having fun.


  1. This was the cutest thing ever!!! It's true, I'd never heard her laugh so loud and wholeheartedly! I can't wait to see how her sense of humour continues to evolve.

  2. Awww ... so cute! I can't think of a sound I like more than pure laughter -- especially from a baby!!

  3. Sooooo precious, and heart melting....too bad the we're not constantly video taping them......
